Here’s what we’re thinking about

Slide:ology, by Nancy Duarte

This is a terrific book.  More than a primer on creating slides, it really is an introduction to visual design, and how to think like a visual designer.  It doesn’t provide technical guidance about how to operate Powerpoint; it’s all about how to communicate using visual images and words in Powerpoint.  It also practices what […]

Exercise for More Brain Power

I’m currently reading Brain Rules by John Medina.  It’s one of a number of popular books on brain science that have striking relevance to leadership, and to modern life.  Here are a few ideas that really struck me: Research shows that people perform better cognitively when they exercise on a regular basis.  There is a […]

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to our blog! Sierra Leadership is an executive coaching and leadership development firm that helps mission-driven, socially conscious business leaders achieve their goals. Hope you find something useful here–and feel free to reach out! Eric Nitzberg, Principal