Here’s what we’re thinking about

How Body Language Affects Executive Presence

Body language can have a strong impact on executive presence. In general, you want to make sure that your body says what you want it to say: that you are relaxed, comfortable and confident. Everyone’s body language is different. Different cultures and organizations also have different norms that help define what executive presence looks like. […]

Developing Executive Presence: Why Your Words Matter

To some extent, you can identify someone with executive presence by what they say and how they organize their words. People with executive presence use words that are simple, clear and understandable. They participate and share their ideas fully, but they are efficient and don’t talk on and on in circles. How do they do […]

To Increase Your Executive Presence, Be Authentic

David was a leader in a technology company. Highly driven and successful, he had been on a fast-track through a series of quick promotions, and he was known for adding tremendous value and getting things done. People liked David, but they didn’t fully trust him. When you talked with David, he was just a little […]

To Develop Executive Presence, Learn to Listen

Executive presence is one of the most commonly asked for areas in leadership development and coaching. But, what is it? There is something of a mystery surrounding executive presence. Some see it as a high level of confidence and gravitas, the ability to command attention, to be seen and heard. Others equate it to asking […]

Time Management Tips: Be Efficient (but Remember You’re Not a Machine)

There are a number of strategies I recommend to help people improve efficiency and time management–a hot topic on the minds of many leaders. But I also recommend that executives remember that no matter how efficient they become, they are not machines. People who manage their time well know that life happens and plans change. […]

Time Management Tips: Take Time to Save Time

Most of the leaders that I work with, at one point or another, ask me about time management. Usually the question arises because they’re stressed and overwhelmed. Often they are balancing high-pressure leadership roles with the commitments of having a family with small children. Their partner often also works. It’s just a lot to juggle. […]

Time Management Tips: Help Others Help You

Most executives feel overloaded, at least some of the time. When a client tells me that they need to work on time management, I go through a “Productivity Checklist” with them, looking for areas they can further improve to make their lives more sane. One place to look is at the people around you.  If […]

How Withholding Feedback Hurts Your Employees and Why It Matters

“I wish my manager had told me that the moment it came into her mind.” The more leaders I work with, the more I’m struck by how critically important it is to give clear, timely, granular feedback—and by how seldom it’s done. Recently I worked with two different leaders who failed to be promoted when […]

How to Be a More Diplomatic Executive, Part 3

Click here to view Part 1 and Part 2 in the series. 9. Choose Your Method of Communication Carefully. It’s good to put a filter on your brain that’s always asking, “What’s the best way to engage in this communication?  Is it email, a phone call, a text message, a face-to-face conversation?” For example, if […]