Insights: Leadership

Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor, by Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman and James O’Toole

This thoughtful book would be of special interest to leaders who are struggling with the ethics and risks of “speaking truth to power.”  It also provides motivation from highly credible experts for leading in a way that models transparency even when that’s very hard to do.  The authors argue that openness leads to positive social […]

Measuring to Change Behavior

Want to lose weight?  Start by getting an accurate scale. For the past few months I have been using a “fitbit” to help me get more healthy.  A fitbit is a small device you wear to track how many steps you take, how far and how fast you walk or run, and how many flights […]

Three Kinds of Commitment

Recently I had a conversation with my brother over a Reuben sandwich and a beer.  In a moment of business geekishness we scheduled this time to talk about our productivity systems, to see what we could learn from each other.  By “productivity system” I mean how we make plans, schedule time, track commitments and manage […]

Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Social Intelligence:  the New Science of Human Relationships, by Daniel Goleman, Bantam, 2006. This outstanding book talks about human emotions, relationships, and the brain science that helps explain them.  It has huge applications for leadership and communication. Section 1 explains why listening, empathy and authenticity are so important (especially in leadership); and describes how much […]

Productivity Tool of the Day

I’m just returning from a few weeks of intense client work and travel, and wanted to share my favorite new productivity tool. For some months I have been looking for a good hands-free device for my mobile phone.  Options I had tried either hurt my ear after long use, or had bad sound quality on […]

The Power of Product

I recently finished Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs.  Terrific read!  One of the themes that is so remarkable in the book (and also in Jobs’ life) is the power of an outstanding product.  Jobs was so passionate, so obsessive about the most minute details of a product, to help ensure its excellence.  He was […]

Leadership Lessons from Kung Fu

In my martial arts class recently, it occurred to me that being uncomfortable can be a good thing.  Somewhere between push-ups, jumping jacks and my own exhaustion-induced nausea the thought crept into my mind:  “This is really hard.  This feels really bad.  I don’t actually want to be doing this anymore.  I’m not having fun.  […]

Saving a Life

Last night I saved someone from choking to death. I was in San Jose.  I had just finished up meeting with a potential client, and I was driving to another meeting.  I saw a little strip mall with a few restaurants just on my route, so I spontaneously pulled in for dinner.  I had never […]

How to Become an Authentic Leader

How to Become an Authentic Leader It turns out the concept of “authentic leadership” is a pretty new one.  A recent review of academic articles on authentic leadership found fewer than 100 of them, and most were published within the past decade (see Leadership Quarterly, October 2011).  What’s more there is no single agreed-upon definition […]