Insights: Communication
Developing Executive Presence: Why Your Words Matter
To some extent, you can identify someone with executive presence by what they say and how they organize their words. People with executive presence use words that are simple, clear and understandable. They participate and share their ideas fully, but they are efficient and don’t talk on and on in circles. How do they do […]
To Increase Your Executive Presence, Be Authentic
David was a leader in a technology company. Highly driven and successful, he had been on a fast-track through a series of quick promotions, and he was known for adding tremendous value and getting things done. People liked David, but they didn’t fully trust him. When you talked with David, he was just a little […]
To Develop Executive Presence, Learn to Listen
Executive presence is one of the most commonly asked for areas in leadership development and coaching. But, what is it? There is something of a mystery surrounding executive presence. Some see it as a high level of confidence and gravitas, the ability to command attention, to be seen and heard. Others equate it to asking […]
How Withholding Feedback Hurts Your Employees and Why It Matters
“I wish my manager had told me that the moment it came into her mind.” The more leaders I work with, the more I’m struck by how critically important it is to give clear, timely, granular feedback—and by how seldom it’s done. Recently I worked with two different leaders who failed to be promoted when […]
How to Be a More Diplomatic Executive, Part 3
Click here to view Part 1 and Part 2 in the series. 9. Choose Your Method of Communication Carefully. It’s good to put a filter on your brain that’s always asking, “What’s the best way to engage in this communication? Is it email, a phone call, a text message, a face-to-face conversation?” For example, if […]
How to Be a More Diplomatic Executive, Part 2
Today we continue the three-part series with four more ways to develop diplomacy. Click here for Part 1. 5. Suspend Judgment and Allow a More Complex Picture to Form. A close cousin to curiosity, suspending judgment means avoiding putting people or ideas into a box. One thing I’ve noticed about most people who have a […]
How to Be a More Diplomatic Executive, Part 1
I’m often asked to work with leaders who need to improve their ability to collaborate. Sometimes they are great at execution or great technically, but their very direct approach to communication has damaged key relationships. Other times, they may be pushing very aggressively for their own department without much awareness or concern for the success […]
Managing Status in the Medical Community
I once attended a gathering to celebrate the opening of a new, expensive university facility. Since I had been affiliated with the organization for several years, I decided to introduce myself to one of the senior leaders whom I had not met. We spoke briefly, but the moment he realized I was not a wealthy […]
Four Elements of a Great Presentation
The longer I’m in the coaching business, the more I realize how helpful it can be to break a skill or behavior down into its component parts. There’s something about knowing what the ingredients are—the recipe, if you will—that makes it easier to learn or improve a behavior. Several years ago a colleague and I […]