Insights: Leadership

Should You Stay Or Should You Go?

It’s common for senior executives to think about leaving their jobs, more so than you might imagine. In 2022 a Deloitte survey found that 70% of C-suite executives were contemplating moving to a job that would allow them to have better well-being. So if you have been wondering if you should leave, you’re in good […]

To Create a Culture of Ownership, Teach Your Leaders These Three Things

It’s a dilemma every CEO faces: why doesn’t everyone take ownership of the whole company like I do? The longer you’re at the top of an organization, the easier it is to lose sight of how different the perspectives are at each level. Individual contributors want to do good work. Managers are learning how to […]

How to Communicate Your Vision So It Sticks

Communicating your vision is the single most important task of leadership. Done well, it provides your organization with an inspiring, enticing, motivating picture of what you can all achieve together.  Why is it, then, that in so many organizations the vision doesn’t reach into the hearts and minds of all employees? And how can you […]

The Art of the CEO Deep Dive

As CEO, do you really know what’s happening in your company?  That may sound like a strange question. You would think CEOs would have a bird’s-eye view and be deeply informed. But no. In reality, most CEOs inhabit a bubble where the stakeholders around them exquisitely manage the information they can see.  CEOs have to […]

How to Lead a Strategic Influence Campaign

Aaliyah is the Chief Sustainability Officer of a Fortune 500 company. Months into her job, however, she realizes that a better description of her role would be “cat herder.” She has no positional authority over the very senior stakeholders she needs to influence—and they all have different interests. In short, Aaliyah must embark on a […]

How to Successfully Onboard to Your New Executive Role

You’ve just been hired into a new, big role. How should you spend your time in those critical early months to set the stage for success? It’s a big question, because nearly half of all leadership transitions are seen as failures or disappointments after two years. The reasons? Most often, it’s an inability to adapt […]

How to Inspire Your Employees During Lean Financial Times

Recent months have been particularly tough for leaders. On one hand, the economic outlook is stormy: a majority of CEOs have been expecting a recession (albeit a modest one). Investors are tighter with cash than a year ago, squeezing companies to reduce spending. Meanwhile, back-to-office rules, which are challenging for employees, and also painful for […]

10 Tips For Finding Your Next Executive Role

A job search is a bit like dating. There are two sides to the adventure: first, you have to get to know yourself better—your interests, strengths, likes and dislikes, what you’re looking for. And second, through interviews, you get to know who’s “out there.” In a good job search, those two things work together.  Learning […]

The Power of Getting Over Yourself

A mentor once commented to me that she had mostly “gotten over herself.” We were talking about playing a larger role in the world, having a bigger platform, stepping into more impactful places. Her point was, you have to get out of your own way. I knew exactly what she meant. How many of us […]